Clovis Community Day is a Multi-Educational Complex consisting of:
Clovis Community Day School (CCDS) was established as one self-contained classroom in August, 2003 to serve special at-risk students in Grades 4-6 who have not been successful in a comprehensive school setting nor benefited from on-site intervention programs. In 2004-2005, one block-style classroom for grade 7 and one for grade 8 were added.
In 2005-2006, three block-style grades 9-12 classrooms were added to form two small community day schools - Clovis Community Day Elementary (one classroom, 15 students, Grades 4-6) and Clovis Community Day Secondary (five classrooms, 75 students, Grades 7-12). In 2008-09 two separate freshman classes were added to bring the total to seven secondary classrooms (105 students). Instructional programs are designed to meet the needs of all students while maintaining high expectations and standards.
We are extremely dedicated to ongoing improvement and take pride in the achievement of our students