The mission of Clovis Community Day School is to provide a supportive and disciplined learning environment where all students can be behaviorally and academically successful. The staff is dedicated to ensuring that all students have the opportunity to achieve to their full potential and become productive members of our society in a safe and nurturing environment.
The goals of Clovis Community Day School are to:
• Have all students participate in academic, vocational and social advisement
• Provide a structured learning environment for all students
• Assess each student’s educational and/or emotional needs and design a plan appropriate to those needs
• Maximize student achievement across multiple grade levels in all academic areas
• Promote positive character development and encourage life-long social skills for every student
• Work with students, parents/guardians and social services to facilitate regular student attendance
• Maintain a positive climate where students are provided with individual and group opportunities to develop resiliency, physical well-being, self-awareness, and interpersonal skills
• Complete the level system and successfully return to a comprehensive school setting